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The adventures (momentarily only available in French)

KooraChoo's: "the courage of emotions"


The KooraChoo's are 7 super-little heroes who learn to reclaim their emotions in order to experience them serenely. It takes courage, a lot of courage.


In each of their adventures, our little heroes will be confronted with everyday situations that will arouse emotional turmoil in them and make them doubt their power to get out of it.


Listening to their little inner voices, the KooraChoo's will find in them the simple and practical resources to stop, discern and move forward. But above all to grow.

" Coachy Coacha "

At the end of the book, the section that helps parents 
understand their child's emotions in order to
support them towards autonomy.

Volume 1: "Teddy and the Patraques Totems"


Teddy has a super power, he is not afraid of anything. Yet that morning, he has an appointment with the doctor: an epidemic is running out at school and he feels a little woozy. But then, all of a sudden, Teddy feels paralyzed. "Who is this doctor?" I don't know him, I don't like injections and then he's going to hurt me a lot. "


Two little voices speak inside his head. Tema urges him not to go. Tebo encourages him. Which voice to listen to?  


At the end of a fantastic trip to the land of Health, ravaged by terrible microbial storms, Teddy will find tools and resources to face the unknown and regain his personal power.

Capture d’écran 2021-03-22 à 19.20.36.
Capture d’écran 2021-03-22 à 19.21.44.

Volume 2: "Skully and my zetite zampoules"


Skully is not afraid of the dark, yet tonight his parents are going out, his nightlight is broken and he is very afraid to sleep alone in his room.


Two little voices speak inside his head. Skuma tells him he's right to be afraid. Skubo alleviates his anxieties. Which voice to listen to?  


The little heroes find themselves transported to a strange country where it is so dark that you cannot see your hand! It may be because of the Zelectrons: the 3 workers in the light factory. Normally, they make the Zampoules shine like the sun during the day and like our stars at night. But there, they do everything wrong!


It will therefore take all the courage and perspicacity of Skully to restore light to the land of the Zampoules Zéteintes!

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